Naomi Fox-Smith,

Bid Coach:

Win more bids, tenders & grants

About me…

Naomi Fox-Smith
Bid Coach

Hello! I am an experienced and successful Bid Coach, helping organisations win more tenders and grants through my Bid Writing and Bid Training services.

I specialise in helping SMEs to win public sector contracts and also have a strong track record of securing grant funding for charities, social enterprises and CIC’s.

Living on Dartmoor National Park in Devon, England – means that most of my bid writing clients are in the southwest too, although there’s a few based further afield.

I’ve included some background about my business, career and future aspirations below but if there’s anything else you want to know then ask away.

I’ve also written about some of the stuff I get up to when I’m not working, just in case you’re curious about someone who actually enjoys writing bids… it’s niche I know.


I’m passionate about environmental issues and deeply concerned about climate breakdown.  I am an active campaigner on green issues – lobbying companies to become more sustainable and promoting alternative and greener ways of living across my networks.

This ethos means that I am well placed to help develop bid responses to questions about environmental issues, carbon management and your journey to net zero carbon. Look out for my blog post on social value questions to find out more, and for my free download of suggestions to make your business greener.

Values & mindset

My business values are aligned to my personal values, as I feel the same things are important whether I’m working or not; they include:

  • Collaboration – working in partnership with others creates the best outcomes, optimising the collective power of idea sharing and action taking. 
  • Environmental protection – minimising the impact of my home and work life, creating wildlife habitats and helping to clear up environmental damage.
  • Loyalty – maintaining long-term relationships with my clients, those in my wider business networks and personal friendships (…I’ve had the same best friend since I was two!).
  • Liberalism – championing individual autonomy and equality of opportunity, rejecting the status quo and exploring new ideas.

Side hustles & passion projects

I manage a holiday let on Dartmoor – a unique barn conversion set in 50-acres of private woodland, parts of which are classified as a conservation SSSI (site of special scientific interest). I love reading our guests’ fabulous feedback and enabling this magical place to be shared with people from far and wide.

My dream of developing creative products for children is coming to life – I’m so excited for this and am blogging the process to help keep momentum.  

Fox-Smith Ventures Ltd

I’ve got over 15-years experience of being an independent Bid Consultant – most recently via my limited company and prior to that as a self employed freelancer. Running my own business has been fun* and I’m enjoying growing and developing it further.

*except the paying tax part…


My career

Prior to becoming a Bid Writer, I held senior marketing and branding roles including at a national construction company and a regional professional services firm.  When the construction company went into administration in 2009, thousands of people lost their jobs and dozens of their SME suppliers folded, due to massive outstanding invoices and credit.  It wrangles with me to this day seeing how hard my SME clients have to fight for their chance to win bids against larger organisations with massive resources; and nothing pleases me more than helping to win a David & Goliath bid. 

These positions helped develop my marketing and business development skills, optimising my ability to develop high-impact copy and bids, and being made redundant was the catalyst for me to start bid writing independently.


My degree from Aston University in Birmingham was Business Administration + Ergonomics; I ended up with a BSc (2:1) Honours only because I pulled-off planning, researching and writing a dissertation which got a first (..and dragged my average up) in the 24-hours before the deadline.  It’s a pattern I’ve found hard to break… wanting to put everything in until the deadline.  

As a ‘sandwich course’ year #03 was an undergraduate job for 12-months; my work placement was with the HR team at Vauxhall Motors head office in Bedfordshire, with around 50 other undergrads, and was definitely the most valuable year of my degree.